Adobestock 259676646

A Tenant’s Move-In Checklist

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Saving Energy (and Money) In Your Rental

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Security Cameras: What You Should Know

Hot chocolate in a mug

Preparing for Winter: A Guide for Tenants

Breaker box

Breaker Boxes: What You Should Know

Power Outage(2)

Handling Power Outages: A Guide for Tenants

Insurance Policy Agreement Terms Document Concept (1)

Renters Insurance: Why It’s Worth the Investment

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Renting a Storage Unit: A Guide for Tenants

Happy Family With Kids Unpacking Boxes Moving Into New Home (1)

Tips for a Positive Rental Experience

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Keeping Those Pests Away: A Guide for Pest-free Living

Modern Living Room Style 1080

Preparing for Summer: Tips for Tenants

Indoor Air Quality

Why HRV Units Shouldn’t Be Turned Off

Noise complaint

A Tenant’s Guide to Managing Noise Complaints

Fallen trees

Tenant Safety: How to Protect Yourself from Fallen Trees

Smoke Damage

What to do if you’ve had a fire or have smoke damage

Patio Guidelines

Condo Patio Design Guidelines

Stuck In Elevator

Stuck in the Elevator

Основные Rgb

Sewer Backups and What To Do

Man With Remote Control From Air Conditioner Makes Comfortable Temperature For Himself.

HVAC Preventative Maintenance


Dutch Elm Disease

Couple Fried Sausages On Bonfire

Moving Firewood in Manitoba is Restricted

Highlights of the new MB Condominium Act

The 411 on Bed Bugs

Condo Maintenance Tips

Snow Clearing

Snow Clearing – Contract vs. Hourly Rates

Winter Parking

Winter Parking

Winter Driving Tips

Drive Safe in Winter

Not Enough Parking?

Condo Documents: Why Read and Keep?

Pest Prevention

Liens on Condos

Buying a condo? What red flags to watch for

Roof Maintenance & Replacement

Neighbourly Relations

Renting your Condo, Do’s and Don’ts

Balcony Gardening

Insurance Rates: Are There Reasons to be Optimistic?

Flood Claims. Who’s fault is it and which insurance company pays?

Pets and… Dog Poop

Smart Tips for Buying a Condo

Reserve Fund Studies, Who, What, When, Why

Miami Condo Collapse

Bronx Blaze Kills 19

Vacation Picture

Traveling & Liability – What you should know!

Winter weather challenges and is the Condo liable?

Find The Right Fit For You

Let Schinkel Properties take the hassle out of your hands and maximize the net income of your investment. Our vast skill set and experience in property management services can be custom tailored to fit your needs. Our services include:

Supervision of trades, caretakers and other personnel

Managing relations between landlord, condo board and tenants

Monthly financial statements

Administration of leases

Budgeting and planning

Collection of fees and rent

Condominium Management

Condominium Management

You will be taken good care of at Schinkel Properties, we have built a reputation of honesty and integrity for effective condominium management. With over 2,200 condos under management, we are small enough to serve you and large enough to save you money.

  • Never too far away from you! We manage condominium corporations in Steinbach, Winnipeg and Southeast Manitoba
  • Our team has skilled management expertise, knowledge and efficiency when working together with condominium corporations
  • You are in trusty hands with us, provide exceptional service and a top-notch living experience for each condominium owner
  • Your Condominium Board works closely with us to maintain and enhance the value of each property
  • Your repairs and maintenance are taken care of promptly and are available 24/7 for emergencies
  • Your finances will be in good order, we ensure fiduciary obligations are met by creating accurate budgets

Looking for an investment property? We have experienced agents who can help!

Apartment Management

APARTMENT Management

Schinkel Properties treats your property like it is our own. Over many years in business we have built a solid reputation of honesty, integrity and responsibility. The services you can rely on us for include:

  • Maximize the net income of your investment
  • Collection of rent
  • Administration of leases
  • Supervision of all trades, caretakers and other personnel
  • Budgeting and planning
  • Monthly financial statements
  • Personalized service
  • Dealing with landlord/tenant relations
  • We provide screening services and find great tenants
  • Low eviction rates
  • We provide prompt service and quick call backs

We manage over 300 rental units in Winnipeg and Steinbach area. We would love the opportunity to talk to you about how we can save you money on your project.

204.326.2640 Call
Commercial Management

Commercial Management

Originally started as a commercial management company, we have a good understanding of what you and your property needs. We look forward to maximizing your investment with you!

  • Save money with our buying power
  • Get the best insurance rates possible
  • We have experience with major insurance claims
  • Maximize your investment (ask us how!)
  • We take care of any building issues, tenant concerns and property and yard maintenance
  • We collect rent, do budget planning, supervise trades, caretakers and others
  • We are problem solvers
  • No headaches for owners
  • The best part: the tenants pay us! No cost to landlords!

We have over over 300,000 sqft of commercial real estate in Winnipeg and Steinbach area. Contact us today to learn more!

204.326.2640 Call

Request Condominium Documents and Forms


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Do you have references?

We would be more than happy to give you references! Call us anytime.

What are your condo fees?

Every property is slightly different. The larger the property the smaller the per unit fee for condos. With our group buying power we actively try to save the condo corporation as much money as possible.

Are there administration fees?

There are no administration fees.

Are there documentation fees?

We charge a nominal amount to provide condo documents if you have lost yours.

How many property managers do we have?

We currently have 4 full time managers plus administration and accounting team of 4. Total team in all departments is 17 people.

How many properties do you manage?

We currently manager over 1,200 condo units, 150 apartment units and 115,000 square feet of commercial real estate. We are big enough for economies of scale and small enough to care! We also have a sister company that manages 5 hotels in Manitoba, InnKeepers.

How much condo experience do you have?

We have been managing condos since 2006 and managing other real estate assets since 1978 in some form. We are proud of our experience and with the rapidly changing Condominium Act, this experience is essential.

How much education do property managers have?

The minimum requirement is a six month program with the Manitoba Real Estate Program called The Principles of Property Management that focuses on the laws and regulations governing the industry. Schinkel Properties actively encourages the team to take additional training in both life skills classes (such as CPR) and professional development (conflict resolution training or the Dale Carnegie courses). Many of our team members have significant additional education.

What can we expect for financial statements?

We provide detailed monthly income and expense statements to ensure transparency and openness.

How often do you provide building reports?

We provide monthly building inspection reports to the building owners to ensure proper building maintenance.

What is the average response time?

We have a 24 hours emergency phone line to take care of you. For regular business items, phone calls same day if you leave a message, emails within 24 hours.

Do you have an emergency phone line?

Yes, we respond at all hours of the night!